

The images must be present in the public folder.


The images must be present in the public folder.

class: "px-4 m-auto max-w-container"
- slug: nuxtjs
  name: Nuxt.js
  active: false
  imgPath: /brands/nuxtjs.svg
- slug: vue
  name: Vue.js
  active: true
  imgPath: /brands/vue.svg
- slug: gridsome
  name: Gridsome
  active: false
  imgPath: /brands/gridsome.svg
- slug: quasar
  name: Quasar
  active: false
  imgPath: /brands/quasar.svg
- slug: vuepress
  name: Vuepress
  active: false
  imgPath: /brands/vuepress.svg

Hello World

Hello this is title line 2

Lorem ipsum ...